Contents of the Course

The True Power of the CIA.
The CIA Propaganda Machine.
The CIA Spy Operations.
Who is "The Deep State”?
Who is really running the show?

Gina Haspel was the CIA Director from May 2018 to January 2021,
in the Trump administration.
Was Gina Haspel loyal to President Trump, or is Gina Haspel a Deep State snake?
Who endorsed the nomination of Gina Haspel as Director of the CIA in 2018?
Where was Gina Haspel in 2016?
Where was Gina Haspel between 2012 and 2014, during the Obama administration?
Where is Gina Haspel now?
Who is she working with?
Has Gina Haspel experience in Covert Operations?
Was Gina Haspel involved in the planning of the Jan. 6 Operation?
Who was the CIA Director on January 6, 2021?
Was Gina Haspel "in the know" about the 2020 Election Fraud Operation to install Joe Biden in the White House?
In the Course you will learn everything you want to know about Gina Haspel.

More Contents of the Course:

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the role of the CIA and FBI.
George H. W. Bush: the CIA Candidate.
The assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan of March 1981.
What really means “National Security”?
Has the CIA been taken over by the Enemy?    
Is the CIA a rogue and subversive Agency?
Should the CIA be dismantled, as President Kennedy wanted to do?

The UK/USA secret agreements.
The “Five Eyes”: CIA, NSA, MI6, GCHQ (UK),
and the Intelligence Agencies of Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
The British Spy Agencies are spying on Americans... for the CIA, FBI and NSA
The secret agreements between the NSA and the British GCHQ

Gina Haspel and John Brennan.
Who really is John Brennan?
Why John Brennan is such a key figure to understand what is happening right now in the US, and what happened in the last 24 years?
What happened to John Brennan in 1998?

What happened in 1947 and the National Security Act.
The Nazi infiltration inside the CIA, since the 1940’s.
The Communist infiltration inside the CIA.
The CIA and its British sister: MI6.
The NSA and its British sister: the GCHQ.
The NSA spying tools
The NSA and Google, the NSA and Facebook, the NSA and Apple: the secret agreements.
The CIA and FBI access to the NSA and GCHQ data.

Structure of the Course

The Course has 10 Lessons.
The lessons are in PowerPoint Presentation format, with documents, videos, links to sources, links to articles. Each of the 10 Lessons has an average of 40 slides.
The Course has Q&A Sessions and Discussion Boards.
The Instructor of the Course is Greg Rubini, author of 4 books in Intelligence and Espionage.
The Course is hosted by Thinkific, which is the best e-learning platform in the world.

This is the only Course in Intelligence and Espionage in the entire USA.
Harvard University doesn’t have it, Yale doesn’t have it.
The Tuition Fee for one year at Harvard University is $55,000.
The Tuition Fee at Yale is $62,000 per year.
The price of this Course in Intelligence and Espionage is $480.
If you want to know who is really running the show, and you want to acquire key Knowledge on the CIA, FBI, NSA, on Gina Haspel, John Brennan, Michael Hayden, Michael Morell, you can buy the Course in Intelligence and Espionage:

You can purchase the Course with your credit card or debit card, through the Stripe payment processor, which is the same payment processor used by Substack. The transactions are safe and secure. After payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction, and you will get access to the Lessons of the Course.

The Instructor

The Instructor of the Course is Greg Rubini. Here is a short summary of his credentials.
In October 2019, Greg Rubini identified and exposed Eric Ciaramella, the secret whistleblower of the Impeachment of President Trump.
Eric Ciaramella is a CIA Analyst detailed at the National Security Council.
Greg Rubini revealed that Eric Ciaramella flew 12 times to Ukraine with Joe Biden, on Air Force Two, between 2014 and 2016.
In January 2020, 2 years before the war in Ukraine began, Greg Rubini revealed that Eric Ciaramella played a prominent role in the CIA Coup in Ukraine of 2014, on behalf of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Victoria Nuland and John Brennan, the Director of the CIA. The CIA Coup in Ukraine of 2014 was the trigger of the war in Ukraine that began in February 2022, and is still ongoing today. 

Greg Rubini is the author of 4 books in Intelligence and Espionage, bestsellers on Amazon, including "The Spy Operations on Trump" and "John Brennan: The Dark Secrets":

Link to the books: 

In September 2018, Greg Rubini exposed the illegal GCHQ Spy Operation on Trump.
GCHQ is a British Intelligence Agency, the British equivalent of the NSA.
Greg Rubini revealed that the GCHQ Spy Operation on Trump had been requested to the British by Barack Obama. The GCHQ Spy Operation on Trump has been covered up by DNI Dan Coats and by the CIA Directors Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel.
The GCHQ Spy Operation on Trump was hundreds of times more powerful than the spy operations on Donald Trump run by the FBI with the FISA warrant on Carter Page.
In May 2020, Greg Rubini published the book "The Spy Operations on Trump". The GCHQ Spy Operation is the main subject of the book.

In September 2018, an anonymous op-ed was published by the New York Times.
The op-ed was entitled: "I am Part of the Resistance inside the Trump Administration":

President Trump, and the top echelons of his inner circle were furious and upset, and for months they tried to find out who was the mole, who was the anonymous author of the New York Times op-ed.
In May 2019, Greg Rubini revealed that the Deep State mole was Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence. Two months after Greg Rubini expose', President Trump fired Dan Coats.

Greg Rubini is the author of "The Fauci Files".
"The Fauci Files" reveal the dirty secrets of Anthony Fauci, Obama and Joe Biden.
"The Fauci Files" reveal why the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the DOD are so hellbent in protecting Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Anthony Fauci.
Fauci, Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton: they were all in it.
Link to "The Fauci Files":

As investigative journalist, Greg Rubini has written more than 60 articles on Intelligence, Spy Operations, National Security, Foreign Policy, in his publication "Greg Rubini Investigations" on Substack: 

Link to the articles:

The Twitter Files

"The Twitter Files" of Elon Musk have revealed all sorts of illegal activities and violations of Constitutional Rights perpetrated by the CIA, FBI, DHS, and by other agencies.
Greg Rubini has been mentioned 3 times in "The Twitter Files" of Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi, and by Tucker Carlson in his show on Fox News of January 2023.
Greg Rubini had a powerful account on Twitter, with 72 million views per month. His Twitter account was suppressed on November 16, 2020, just a few days after the 2020 Elections, without any justification, nor explanation.
In January 2023, the "Twitter Files" revealed that it was Congressman Adam Schiff who demanded the Twitter Executives to suppress the Twitter account of Greg Rubini in November 2020,  9 days after the 2020 Presidential Elections.
Adam Schiff was the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and the 3rd highest ranking member of the Democratic Party, after Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
The House Intelligence Committee is very powerful: it has oversight, and close connections, with the CIA, NSA, NRO, with all the US Intelligence Agencies, and with the FBI, DHS, NSC, ODNI.
"The Twitter Files" revealed that, in November 2020, Adam Schiff sent not one, but two letters to the Twitter Executives to have the Twitter account of Greg Rubini suppressed. The Twitter executives complied with Adam Schiff demands, and the Twitter account of Greg Rubini was suppressed on November 16, 2020.
Greg Rubini is suing Adam Schiff for Violation of Constitutional Rights, Defamation and damages.
The two letters sent by Adam Schiff, published by "The Twitter Files", can be found at this link:

The Twitter account of Greg Rubini has been reinstated by Elon Musk on January 5, 2023.
Greg Rubini on Twitter: @GregRubini

Course in Intelligence and Espionage

If you want to know who is really running the show, and you want to acquire key Knowledge on the CIA, FBI, NSA, on Gina Haspel, John Brennan, Michael Hayden, Michael Morell, you can buy the Course in Intelligence and Espionage:

You can purchase the Course with your credit card or debit card, through the Stripe payment processor, which is the same payment processor used by Substack. The transactions are safe and secure. After payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction, and you will get access to the Lessons of the Course.